Monday, October 4, 2010

Content, content, content

After reading the Introduction to Blogging by Wordpress Codex, I instantly thought of the old adage often applied to real estate of "location, location, location", but in the blogging sense it is definitely "content, content, content"...


  1. To a large extent I agree with you Sharon, but I do think blogging is more than that...just as any online communication is more than a one way output. Blogging is also about who you talk you respond to comments...whose blog you comment on...So blogging is more about a conversation rather than just pushing out content. Based on your experiences so far...what do you think?

  2. I think I agree with you, Sharon... my blog is definitely becoming my personal/professional journal, whereas my conversations are happening more through Twitter (and this after 2 weeks of Tweeting). I like the balance - I get quick feedback from Twitter, but my blog remains a place for more thoughtful reflection and archiving of ideas.

  3. From a learning and teaching view Blogging is more then just content. If implemented properly it gives students an option to take ownership of their own learning (intrinsic motivational factor for students). A chance for the teacher to move away from content delivery to scaffolding students through a more meaningful learning process. These for students could be:
    1. Digital literacy
    2. building cognitive skills
    3. becoming a life long learner
    4. Ubiquitous learning - Learner generated context and authentic learning activities (learner determined) (learning doesn't only happen in the classroom)
    5. an in actively involving students in the learning process, as individuals and as a community
    For the teacher:
    1. Improved pedagogical practice
    2. Improved opportunity to help students you need help - Blogging as formative assessment tool hence continuous feedback mechanism

    For me the important aspect of Blogging is in the process.
