Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why Facilitating Online 2010?

Why not???

Surely online learning is the way forward so if I am to be a learner and/or teacher then this is the way to go...

Plus this contributes as a course within my Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Learning & Teaching.


  1. How do you see yourself doing online facilitation as an educator?

  2. At this stage I can't see it!!! Ask me in a few more weeks and hopefully I will have a better idea of what online facilitation can do for me and the groups of businesses I work with.
    Should I be posting a comment to reply to your question or is there a way to have only a private two way conversation? Perhaps I should click on your name as a link??

  3. If you want a private conversation, please feel free to email me (sarahstewart07(at)gmail.com)

    I encourage 'open' conversation so that others can join the conversation :)

    As for knowing what you want to facilitate...its fine that you do not know at the moment. Some people are very clear...some people want to know more about what is possible before they can decide what they want to facilitate.

    What I would encourage you to do is volunteer to co-facilitate a session in the next couple of weeks so you have some practice.
